Monday, January 24, 2011

Catch Up!

Been awhile since I lasted posted something so I thought I should write a little something!  Payton is already 2 months!  Some days I feel like its been 2 years and some days I feel like it was just yesterday that we were bringing her home from the hospital.  Being a mom is awesome and I am loving every minute of it.  She is developing a personality and it is so fun to watch!  She loves to smile at her momma :)  I have even heard a giggle or two.  She is such a joy.  And she is getting so good at lifting her head up.  We have started a bedtime routine- my favorite part of the day.  I feed her, give her a bath, read Good Night Moon, sing a few songs and then its off to bed!  LOVE IT!!  Her last doctors appointment, she was 11 pounds and 22 1/2 inches long!  Healthy and growing!!  Shes in the 50 percentile in weight and height!  I haven't started nannying again but I am working for my dad until I do.   

 Today, my mom came over and we worked on our 3rd bedroom.  It is FINALLY coming together.  We got our fold out couch and entertainment shelves put up.  Today, we put things on the wall and moved the rug from our bedroom into the room.  All that is left is putting a desk in the room (which is coming from the house in College Station).  I am so glad its finally coming together- its been in the making since we moved in a year ago. 

Our Couch that folds out for our guests :)

A desk will replace the side table and the chair will go underneath it

We still have to adjust the doors and hook up the tv.  Oh and put hardware on the doors!   
This was the room when we moved in!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011 Here we come!

Goals for 2011:

1.  Start working out again.  Before I got pregnant I was a running fool.  I even ran a half marathon.  So I am going to start using my LA fitness membership again since I have been paying for it every month :)  But no more half marathons for me lol.

2.  Be a better spender.  I am going manage my money a lot better and start using coupons and such!  We are pretty tight financially so I am gonna start cutting back on things, cook more at home, and find ways to save more!  I think Jonny will appreciate this :)

3.  Drink more water.  I did so good while I was pregnant and breastfeeding but now that I am neither- I have taken back my addiction to Dr. Pepper.  I am not planning to give it it up entirely (never could do that) but just cut back and drink more water.

4.  Volunteer more.  I feel like even though my days are extremely busy, I still have a lot of down time.  I want to be better with how I spend my time.  I don't just want to simply exist and live my life doing daily mundane things.  I want to make a difference.  I want to serve those around me.  I want to share the Lord through my actions.  So I am going to make an effort to volunteer a whole saturday at least once every month (hopefully more- but I don't wanna make a commitment I don't keep). 

5.  Go on a mission trip.  Last year me and Jonny went to China with our church.  I would LOVE to go on another one this year.  I am praying and gonna let the Lord lead me :)

That's about all I have for now... Goodbye 2010!!  Here's to a great 2011!!