We just got back from our first family vacation in Myrtle Beach! We were vacationing with Jonny's family. Donna, her parents, her sisters, and their families! We had two beach houses that sat really close to the beach! It was sooo good to see everyone!! Here is our trip:
Day One: Travel....
We left DFW at 3:45 on Saturday. We had two flights with our connecting flight in Atlanta. Our flight out of DFW was running behind so we ended only having an hour (suppose to be two) in Atlanta which worked out well. Payton did wonderful on the first flight. She loved looking out the window and watching as we took off and landed. The first plane ride was about 2 hours and she slept most of it- it was perfect. She did really well with the layover as well- she ate and was happy the entire time. The second flight however, did not go so smoothly as the first. She was EXHAUSTED and would not fall asleep. Out of the 45 minutes of flying- she screamed 30 minutes of it! I felt awful for the people around me but at the same time- there was just nothing I could do. Me and Jonny just looked at each other and said "we are officially those people". We finally made it to our destination, Myrtle Beach, around 10! Sadly, our luggage did not have the same luck. By the time we made it to the house and everything it was way past 11- needless to say we were tired!! We headed to bed right away :)

Day Two: Beach Time....
We slept in a little and slowly got up and about. Our luggage still had not arrived yet :( Thankfully, Jonny had packed most of his clothes in his carry on so he was not without stuff. Payton and I were not so fortunate though. We spent most of the morning visiting with the family and waiting for my luggage to arrive. We also went to Wal Mart to pick up a few things! Around one or so we headed down to the beach (about 60 steps from the house)... The weather was perfect- in the 80's and breezy! My luggage finally came around 3! I immediately put on my swimsuit and headed back to the beach. We spent the day laying out and playing in the water. Payton did well on the beach but she wasn't a big fan of the water/waves. Ben and Angie (Jonny's cousins) had a baby about 2 weeks before Payton- it was so great that Payton had a buddy to play with! That night we ate and watched the Mavs win a national championship- WHOOP!! It was great fun!
Testing the Waters
Aunt Kellie showing Pay Pay the Ducks
Playing with Jack Jack
Day Three: The Beach of Course...
We woke up around 10 (Payton slept amazing- I think the beach wore her out). We got in our swimsuits and of course headed to the beach. Jonny got pretty red and was in much pain from the day before. He didn't get in the sun that much on day three. The Shy's bought a huge tent thing and so we had plenty of shade. Chris, Tracey, and the gang arrived that early afternoon. So did Donna and Scott!! We spent the day talking, laughing, laying out, and enjoying life! That night we ate some yummy food made by granny! Me, Tracey, Uncle Scott, and Chase (cousin) stayed up pretty late playing phase 10. It was lots of fun- we laughed a ton!
Nanna and PaPa!!
Jake and Heather!
Every night there was a golf cart parade... Pretty amusing!
Emmi was such a big help with Pay Pay!
Day Four: Last full day....
Our last full day was spent.......... any guesses?? The Beach!!! We had two tents that day- so lots and lots of shade! We played at the beach most of the day. That night we ate burgers made by Aunt Kellie- they were good! We took family pictures that evening on the beach too :) The Beachams arrived late that night.... So we stayed up pretty late spending some time with them before we left in the morning. We played Apples to Apples and laughed a ton. We finally went to bed about 12:30.... Around 2:30- disaster hit! I was throwing up from 2:30 am to 10:0 0am! It was miserable. Aunt Kellie was sick the night before but quickly got over it.... And I was the next victim. Sadly, several more of us got sick over the remaining week. The plague had struck the beach!
Day Five: Travel....
I spent all morning in bed or laying on the bathroom floor (sorry if this is tmi). Thankfully, Jonny took mommy duty and got all our bags packed, Payton fed and dressed, and everything ready to go! I stopped throwing up about 10am and our flight left at 11:45.... The flights home were MISERABLE to say the least. I am very thankful for a husband who has such a servants heart. He carried all our bags through the airport and Payton. He held Payton both flights- I didn't even lift a finger. He took such great care of me. When we got home- he let me sleep- he did everything- laundry and unpacking! I slept from 4 that day to 9 am the next morning! Maddie took Payton for the night so I could get plenty of rest! Man, do I love my family :) I felt much much better the next day!

That was our trip in a glimpse! It was a blast (aside from the throwing up). It was great to see family and catch up on life. It was a perfect family vacation. Loved it and can't wait until next year! I wish we all lived closer! I will post all pictures on Facebook later!