Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall and Pumpkins

I LOVE FALL!!!  It is finally starting to feel nice outside.  I love how cool and beautiful the days are!  This weekend was wonderful (outside of sports- Aggies, Cowboys, and the Rangers made me sad this weekend).  We didn't have too many plans but we got to spend time with good friends and family!  On Saturday, we took Payton to a pumpkin patch!  The pumpkin patch was right here in Arlington and it was so cute.  Too bad, Payton was terrified of the pumpkins.  She would freak out if we left her alone by a big pumpkin(s).  She could handle the small ones but if she couldn't hold it in her hand- she didn't go near it.  It made it very tough to get cute pictures with the pumpkins.... So here is the best I could get!      

 "Aunt Maddie please don't let me go by this huge pumpkin"

 Not fond of the hay bales either....

"I like this one"

 "Maybe, its not so bad" (2 seconds later- screaming)

 Her expression most of the time....

 "Mom, stop making me get near these pumpkins"

 "This one I like"

So it was that much of a success this year... Maybe next year :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Paytons 11 month photo shoot that I am just now getting around to posting!

She was kind of scared of the pumpkins

Thursday, October 27, 2011


So Me and Jonny are taking the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace class that is being offered at our church right now.  We are on week 11 out of 13.  It has been great for us so far.  Before the class, we really didn't have much control over our finances, they controlled us!  It could basically be boiled down to having no discipline.  We spent and didn't have any idea where it was going!  Dave has helped us set our priorities, get a budget, start saving, and now we are working our debt off!  It feels good to be in control of our money :)  Dave Ramsey sets different "baby steps" to work on.  We have just completed baby step #1- getting $1,000 emergency fund!  Now, on to baby step #2- paying off all debt (except for the house).  And by March 2012 we will be completely debt free!!!!  We don't have too much debt- just two credit cards and after next month we will have only one :) Finances has always been something of a struggle in our manage and God has been working in our finances and our marriage through this class!  It's definitely worth your money :)      

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Shreek On the Creek

Looking for something to do on Halloween thats fun and safe????


Candy, Games, Candy, Pizza, Candy, Inflatables, Candy, Face painting! 

WHEN AND WHERE??? Monday, October 31 from 6:00-8:30pm at the Green Oaks campus. (2350 SW Green Oaks Blvd. ) 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Donovan is One

HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY to the sweetest boy ever!  My precious nephew turned one today!  I can't believe he is already a year old!  Man does time fly!  Love this little boy!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Meal Planning Monday

Monday:  Chicken and Scalloped Potatoes

Tuesday:  Celebrating Ryan and Kassie's engagement w/ homemade chicken&dumplings!

Wednesday:  Enchiladas  

Thursday: Dave Ramsey- probably fast food

Friday: Spaghetti 

Saturday Lunch: Sandwiches probably

Saturday Dinner: Taco Soup

Sunday Lunch: Eat Out

Sunday Dinner: Chicken and Rice

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A day at the Van Hoys

I love to blog- mostly because its a great way to write out the memories and milestones of our beautiful baby girl.  I use to be so good at journaling but i have slacked the past few years.  Blogging is so easy and I love keeping up with photos on here.... My point to this is- sorry if my post are a bit boring for some readers!  Just jotting down memories that I can look back on :)...........

I love this age (or rather month) that Payton is at!!  She is so fun to watch.  I love watching her figure out how the world around her works.  Today was pretty much a typical day for us (aside from the dr. in the morning).  We woke up at 8 and she had her morning bottle.  After finishing her bottle, we usually hangout on our bed and slowly get started with the morning (if we have no where to go that day or if I didn't get up earlier to get things done).  After a doctors visit and lunch we came home.  And this is what Payton likes to do when we are at home:

1.   She loves to take one object (block or shape) and put it in another (cup,basket, bowl).  She will sit there and repeat it over and over again.  Putting the block in the cup and then taking it out again.  She is even smart enough to match the shapes with the correct shaped hole.  She loves to take toys from her toy basket and put them in her shopping cart and then back again.  Or her stuffed animals in cabinets, close the cabinet, open and take the animal out, and repeat!  Well... her new favorite game is taking her trash can, opening her dresser drawer, and putting her clothes in the can.  The first time she did- I just sat and laughed!  She is creative for sure. 

2.  She LOVES to climb- stairs, pillows, on the couch, practically anything on the floor that is not flat.  Today, I had all our couch pillows on the floor.  She was hilarious climbing all over those pillows- for an hour she was on those pillows!  

She got exhausted and decided to take a break:

 And she's back:

3.  Dance- my little girl LOVES to move.  I had a REALLY REALLy cute video of her dancing and I accidently deleted it off my phone before I backed it up :( I am so mad at myself- anyone know how to recover deleted files off your iphone??  Dancing and singing are always a part of our day :)

4.  We usually play outside or take a walk everyday too!  She loves being outside- and if I ever get her swing put up we will be able to swing without going to the park! 

5.  When her daddy comes home she is all about him.  She loves him so much and wants to love all on him.  She will come over and just sit in his lap and play!  She has to be right next to him- precious!    

6.  Dinner time is a favorite for her as well.  Our girl loves to eat for sure :)

7.  After dinner and daddy time, we have our favorite time of day- bath time!  She loves being in the bath and its always a fight to get her out.   After our bath we try to sit and read some books for atleast 20 minutes but right now its more flipping the pages back and forth for 20 minutes.   

8.  And then its one more bottle and lights out by 8:30!  Tonight she was so exhausted she fell asleep while taking her bottle (which she hasn't done since she was tiny)!

And that's our world right now.  Most days are crazy, loud, messy, and unpredictable.  Laundry seems to never be completely done, I pick up my living room 3 times and day and its still messy, and sleep is a thing of the past for me!  But I love it!!!  Working from home and being a mom is definitely exhausting but it has been so worth it to be with my girl.  Loving life with my family.  Thank-you Lord for my family!  

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My big brother is engaged!!  We are so excited for him and Kassi!!  I love that our family continues to grow with such great people!!    

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Meal Planning Monday

Monday:  YL Banquet- BBQ

Tuesday:  Dinner with Jonny's parents 

Wednesday:  Lasagna  

Thursday: Dave Ramsey- probably fast food

Friday: Marinated chicken with baked potatoes 

Saturday Lunch: I have a shower.  Jonny is on his own!

Saturday Dinner: Lil' brothers birthday and Papa' Jims Birthday- lots of food!!

Sunday Lunch: Eat Out

Sunday Dinner: Chicken and Dumplings

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


(Pictures coming soon)

Current Likes:  Walking- she is practically running!!!  She does not want to be held much at all- she is ON the move!  Which is exciting but kinda makes me sad :(  Musical toys, being outside, opening and closing doors/cabinets, pushing her shopping cart around, putting shapes in and out of baskets, food, baths, and taking walks.  She is constantly babbling as well!  She can say mamma and dadda and is starting to make different letter sounds.

Current Dislikes:  Being in a highchair/shopping cart for more than 20 minutes, things in her hair (and she now has figured out how to pull them out), getting out of the bath tub, struggling with naps lately, being in the car and shoes. 

Milestones:  She is, like I said, practically running.  She is getting so good at balancing.  She can stand up without holding onto anything and squat down and then stand back up.  She is starting to comprehend what come and no mean.  She knows to wave when we say hi and bye-bye!  She is so smart and amazing!  I love her dearly.  

Stats:  19-20 pounds 30 inches or so... Guess- we go to the doctor in 2 weeks so we will see :)


I can't believe you are 11 months.  You are such a joy to your dad and I.  Your laughter is contagious and I adore being able to stay at home and be with you all day.  You love to dance to any and all music and its adorable.  You are getting so good at walking and its so neat to watch you learn how the world around you works.  You are a smarty pants for sure :)  You are definitely becoming such a daddy's girl.  Every evening when your dad walks in you get so excited and you want snuggle and love on him all night!  It melts my heart.  I could watch you two all day!  You have been such a good baby for us.  You sleep wonderful at night (8pm-8am)!  You don't nap all that well but I wouldn't trade what you sleep at night for naps during the day!  I can't believe you will be a year next month.  Some days it feels like it was just yesterday that we were coming home from the hospital.  You are the best thing that has happened to this family and we are amazed how good God has been to our family.  We love you more than anything and are so thankful the Lord chose us to be your parents.  


Monday, October 10, 2011

Meal Planning Monday

Again, most of these are the same from last week because we ended up eating with family or friends.  

Monday:  Tacos and chips with homemade guacamole 

Tuesday:  Pot roast and veggies in crock pot

Wednesday:  Marinated chicken with baked potatoes  

Thursday: Enchiladas

Friday: Chicken and Rice with Rolls

Saturday Lunch: Sandwhiches

Saturday Dinner:  Lasagna

Sunday Lunch: Eat Out

Sunday Dinner:  Soup

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sea World. October 8,2011.

So this weekend me and Payton went with my best friend, Joanna and her adorable cousins to San Antonio.  Joanna's parents live there so we went to spend the weekend with them and go to Sea World.  Jonny had to work this weekend so he stayed in Arlington- he was greatly missed but we still had a wonderful time.  Friday, we packed up the car, picked up the boys, grabbed some food, and headed to SA. The car was FULL.  Three kids and Zoey (Joanna's dog) in the back plus all our luggage!  The ride went as smoothly as can be expected with an 11 month old, 4 year old, six year old, and a dog. The boys kept Pay Pay entertained and they were so sweet to her! One thing I did learn= three kids are A LOT to handle lol.

We arrived in SA pretty late so we got settled in and pretty much went right to sleep.  Saturday was a full day and lots of fun.  We woke up and got ready for our day at Sea World.  I know Payton won't remember anything about that day but I will and it was definitely worth it :)  She LOVED everything about Sea World.  The weather was amazing!  It was cloudy and cool with NO rain= perfect.  And we spent the perfect amount of time there- not too long!  We saw 3 shows, penguins, played on playgrounds, saw dolphins, did some tricker treating, visited counts un-haunted house, rode the carousel, and petted some sting rays!  Payton loved the shows- she danced and pointed at the animals the whole time.  I was afraid she was going to get bored and want to get down and walk everywhere but she sat on my lap and watched the whole thing!  I think she loved the Shamu show the most!  It was great.  She loved all the people dressed up in costumes for halloween at a distance.  She did not want to get close to any of them.  Tried to get a picture with the count and she held on to me for dear life!  It was such a great day.  The boys loved playing on the playgrounds and going through the tricker treating maze!  After Sea world, we went and ate some good mexican food!  Then, we headed home to watch the Rangers and Aggies play!  Payton went to bed right at 8:30 (she was exhausted) and the boys followed shortly after.  And since the Ranger game went so late we didn't get in bed till after midnight.  But it was worth it to see the Rangers take the first win!  And my Aggies won too :)  Great day in sports!  

Petting the sting rays!

So happy :)

Trick or Treating Maze with sea creatures and bubbles!

Getting Candy!

Waiting for Shamu!


About to eat some go-gurt before the show!

My love bug!!

Waving bye bye to Shamu!

And Shamu waving back :)

First carousel ride- she was so cute!

She looks so tiny next to the man on stilts!


She did NOT like him

She like the flamingos ok- no crying!

Sunday, we slept in (Payton slept till 10!!!).  Poor girl was so worn out from Sea World.  She didn't nap at all that day so she made up for it at night.  It was heavenly for me!  We woke up got ready and ate some breakfast.  Joanna's dad was getting back from Argentina and so they surprised him at the airport.  He had no idea the boys and Joanna would be there to greet him when he landed.  They came home and we all had a big lunch together before heading home!  The ride back went by fast and the kids did great!  Payton started to get fussy the last hour of the ride.  She was so ready to be out of her car seat!  We finally made it home at a little after 8!  And man did we miss Jonny!!  It was so much fun but it is soo good to be home and be with my hubby! I missed him soo much!!!!!!  And Payton was so excited to see him!!  And that was our weekend- I can't believe it's already over???  Bring on the week :)