What a year 2011 has been!! God has been good to our family and we are so thankful for His many blessings. It has been a year that has brought us joys, laughs, tears, ups, and downs. A year that has stretched us and has drawn us closer as a family and to our Lord. So what did our 2011 look like? Here is a snap shot:
January: I was suppose to go back to my nanny position, but the Lord had much better plans. It was a tough month financially and sad to not be nanny for the family anymore. I became a stay at home momma to my precious girl!
February: We had a big snow storm that gave Jonny some time off work and covered our home so beautifully!
March: Payton turned 4 months and I started working for my dad! It was a month that was filled with a HUGE blessing. I am so thankful that I can work for my dad. I only work about 4 or 5 days a month and its some extra income for us. It was a hard month of transition as well. Since I was training for my dad in March, I worked a lot and had to leave my baby girl. But God provided like He always does :)
April: Payton turned 5 months, rolled over for the first time, celebrated her first easter, and could sit up by herself. We also celebrated Maddies upcoming marriage (with a shower) and ring dunk in College Station. I turned 24 years old as well!
May: Payton turned 6 months old. She tried swimming for the first time as well (was not a fan at first). I had my first mothers day and we had the honor of dedicating Payton on that day as well. Also, my baby brother graduated high school and lil sis graduated for Texas A&M! It was a busy month!
June: Was a crazy/busy/really fun Month. We spent a week in SC with Jonny's extended family (which was so fun until I caught the bug- miserable). It was Paytons first plane ride, vacation, and time on the beach. We celebrated Maddie's and Zach upcoming marriage with Bachelor and Bachelorette parties. We also celebrated Stephen and Stephanies bachelor and bachelorette parties. And me and Jonny got to fly to Mexico and witness our best friends get Married. Three days in Mexico with all our friends- awesome!! It was a great month.
July: This month was a tough for finances but the Lord was good and provided what we needed. I had been offered a job with Young Life and had interviewed for another position as well. It was a month of praying hard and asking the Lord where He wanted me and my career. He answered!! Also, Payton started crawling everywhere and Maddie (my baby sister) got married. I got another brother! It was such a beautiful, godly, and fun wedding!
August: Payton started taking some steps and walking a little bit. Me and Jonny celebrated 3 years of marriage. And I started my new job with Young Life as office administrator. We also began our 13 week journey with financial peace.
September: Payton started to full on walk- getting into everything. She was 10 months old. It was a quite month for us. We did get Payton's first trip to the zoo and a Keith Urban concert in.
October: My sweet nephew, Donovan, turned 1 year old. Me and my best friend, Joanna, loaded up a car with 3 kids under the age of 5 and her dog and headed to San Antonio to visit her parents and Sea World! We celebrated Payton's first fall/halloween. And my Big brother got engaged to Kassi. I can't wait to have another sister and sweet niece!!
November: Payton turned one year old and Jonny turned 26!! We also finished our Dave Ramsey class- taught us so much. Highly recommended!
December: We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Payton got so much and we enjoyed all our time with family. Sadly, Jonny broke his arm 2 days after Christmas. He will have surgery at the beginning of the year.
Thanks for looking back with me! It was such a busy year but we had so much fun and learned a ton! So many first with Payton and we loved watching her grow! It's crazy that it's been a year. Can't wait to see what God brings us in 2012!