Wednesday, March 14, 2012


So it seems I have been neglecting my blog a bit.  I will attempt (for the 2 or 3 people that read my blog) to catch you up on our life!  Life has been pretty busy and crazy the past couple of weeks and really for no other reason than thats the way life is sometimes!!  Work has actually been pretty slow for me the past 2 weeks- but Payton has been making up for that- keeping me on my toes for sure!  She is such a busy person.  She does not like to sit still whatsoever and never wants to cuddle or sit and watch a show for longer than 5 minutes.  She is constantly moving, exploring and testing her boundaries.  Thankfully, she takes pretty good afternoon naps or I would never get to sit down lol.  I love how adventurous and independent she is and how you can tell even at 15 months!  I do however PRAY that her attitude and stubbornness will go away lol (Surely she doesn't get that from me?? lol)  So what's coming up for us??

-Little Road Trip to San Antonio for weekend getaway
-Weddings- lots of weddings (and showers)
-Week long vacation in Florida at the end of May
-Mission trip to Anchorage, Alaska in July    

I am so ready for vacation!!  Here are some pics- glimpse of our lives lately.