Well Summer is over! And as much as I love the summer, I love fall and the holidays even more. I am so ready for football, pumpkins, cooler weather, leaves falling (although not looking forward to picking them up), getting dark earlier and all the smells that come with fall! I know the cooler weather is still a little ways off but I am excited for when it comes! So I made a summer "bucket list" in May. Lets see how we did :)
1. Lots of Swimming- We sure did a ton of swimming! She loves swimming at her Nana's and MeMe's. And since it is still hot outside- the swimming days are not over just yet :) (just a few pics- I didn't take too many of her swimming cause we did it a ton)
2. Dallas World Aquarium- Unfortunately, we never made it to the Aquarium. We were going to go last week but because of all the mosquitos around I decided not to take her. I did take her to the Children's Museum instead. Maybe one weekend we will take her.
3. ZOO- We did make it to the Zoo this summer, despite the heat. We went in the morning for a few hours so it wasn't so bad. Payton loved the Zoo. We will be going a lot more once the heat goes down! We went with Joanna, her cousin, and her cousin's two boys. Payton loved being with older kids!
4. Little Gym Class once a week- She loved going to the little gym. Because school (and its so expensive) we will not be doing little gym this fall.
These were taken last semester. I didn't take any over the summer!
5. Play dates- We had a few play dates this summer. Not as many as I would of liked but because of work and not feeling great we didn't get to squeeze more in.
6. Water Park- Didn't make it to a water park this summer. I feel like she is a little too young for that still.
7. Library Story time- Nope :(
8. Lots of Park time- Yup! Payton loves the park! And we were there whenever the weather was nice enough!
9. Ranger Game- Yup! I made it to 4 Ranger games this season!! I love Ranger games. Jonny made it to two! We are going to take Payton to one next month. Hopefully it will be cooler and she will enjoy it.

10. Picnics- We had one at the park!
11. Children's Museum- Yup! We made it to the children's museum last week. It wasn't as cool as I remember as a kid but it was nice to be out of the house and Payton enjoyed it. She loved the Aquarium there way more than the Science part.
12. A week with Aunt Maddie in Plano- While I was in Alaska Aunt Maddie took Payton for a week. They had lots of fun! And I think Maddie decided that she is not going to have kids for some time lol.
13. Lake Fun- Nope :(
14. Date Nights- Yup! We did enjoy a few date nights! And we celebrated our 4th Anniversary! Thankful for Jonny's parents who kept Payton over night several times so we could have time alone and sleep in a little :)
15. Gender Reveal Party- YES!! We found out we are having a precious little girl! Thankful for the family who came to celebrate with us. We can't wait to meet her.
16. Clean Garage- We still have some work to do but its getting there :)
17. Move- We are still looking at houses- taking our time. But we are in the process for sure!
18. Catch up on my scrap-booking and journaling- Still have some stuff to do but I am way ahead :)
19. Get back yard nice looking
20. Have a girls weekend- Sadly it never happened :( Just too busy with everyones schedule
So 15 out of 20 isn't bad!! Thankful for a slow summer with work so me and Payton could hangout and do lots of fun things!