FAIR WARNING- this post is long and will have tons and tons of pictures :) Kinsley Rene Van Hoy came into this world on November 20, 2012 at 1:16pm. She weighed 6lbs 10oz and was 19.5inches. This birth experience was so different than Payton's. With Payton, I went into labor at 11:30pm on a Thursday and didn't have her until 4:26pm the next day. And after waiting and waiting- we ended up having to do an emergency c-section. It was exhausting and I honestly can barely remember that day at all. This time was different. We decided to do a repeat c-section because the chances of me delivering the other way was very slim. Not wanting to be in the hospital on Thanksgiving we decided to have her the 20th (if everything went well my doctor said I would be out Thanksgiving morning). So we woke up Tuesday morning, took Payton to school, came home and got our things together, and headed to the hospital at 10:30am. And now I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story....

This was taken right before leaving for the hospital. It was so nice to get to shower, put on makeup, and fix my hair before going to the hospital! I was 39 weeks here!
Bags all packed the night before!
Got to triage at 10:30am. We filled out paperwork, they put an IV in, drew blood, and asked me the millions of questions they always do.
Last Belly Picture
Almost time... The c-section was scheduled at 12:30! So we were just waiting... Nice to sit and not be in pain :)
About to go in....
Jonny all ready to go!
Jonny took about a MILLION pictures and most of them are pretty gross... He was pretty excited about watching the c-section. The doctor said he missed his calling.... This is the only not so gross picture of them pulling her out of me!
Meeting our daughter for the first time!
Blessed :)
LOVE this... With Payton I was so out of it and shaking so bad that I don't remember this :( But I will forever treasure this moment with Kinsley!
6lbs 10oz
I had to remind Jonny to stop taking pictures of my belly/c-section and go take pictures of our daughter lol
Post delivery
First family of four photo!
Payton seeing Kinsley for the first time!
Nana showing Payton baby sister
Mimi with her girls
Big Sister... She loved rocking in that chair
Big sister. Payton has been great with baby Kinsley. She pretty much does her own thing and doesn't even know Kinsley is there.
Cousin Ellie (lives in California) and Payton playing in the curtains at the hospital
They had so much fun together.
Proud Daddy
Loved by so many!
Going Home... We got to leave Thanksgiving morning. Kinsley and mommy were doing great!
Right before going home
Going home!!!
Gobble Gobble
At home...
We love Aunt Maddie. We named her after Maddie- Rene is Maddie's middle name! We are so thankful for my sister and all she does. Love her!
Daddy and his girls
We are thankful and blessed!!