Well it seems I have been neglecting my blog. I have been so busy lately I have just really haven't had the time to sit down and gather my thoughts to write! But both girls are napping and I have a free moment. So here is an update on our lives....
Kinsley is 3 months old! We are loving every minute with her. She is such a good baby! She seems to be growing way too fast. Read more from her
3 month post. You can also read her
one month and
two month post.
Payton is growing up too fast as well. She is learning so much. It amazes me how much she learns every day. She is talking a ton and putting words together to make full sentences. She is like a sponge- soaking in everything! She is still going to "school" 2 days a week- which she loves. She had her first PE program and rocked it. I was so proud of her. Daddy was so sad he had to miss it but he enjoyed watching the video I took (and Payton made him watch like 8 times). She loves being outside and going to the park- she asks me to go almost every day. She lights up our lives. She is full of spark, attitude, and love!
She is an amazing big sister and I think that they are gonna be best buddies.

So what's new with me and Jonny? Well... Jonny is still working hard for our family. I am so thankful for is dedication and hard work. He has been pretty busy with work. I have been busy with work as well. I am sill working for Young Life and my dad. YL is preparing for their banquet and so I have had lots of long days and late nights. But I LOVE it. I love that I can work for both and stay home with my babies. I love working for an organization who seeks God and who's purpose is to make Him known. It is cool to see God work through leaders and Arlington kids. I am blessed to be apart of it. Speaking of YL- its not to late to order flowers for our flower fundraiser! You can help send Arlington kids to camp and get your spring flowers. Win Win! Just click
HERE. Outside of work, I continue to be super busy chasing my lil ones around. They definitely keep me on my feet and make life a million times better. Me and Maddie just ran the Cowtown 10k. It felt good to be training for something. This week I have started my journey with P90X. All I can say is I hurt lol. But I am determined to stick with it.

I love finding new projects and so I have been busy getting Payton's and Kinsley's rooms all done. And I have been working on some DIY projects as well. Read about those
HERE and
HERE. Lets see, what else? We celebrated my parent's 30 year wedding anniversary! We got all dressed up and went to a fancy restaurant. It was fun and nice to have a night out without the girls. We enjoyed a night out for Valentines day too :)
Finally, we just finished a marriage series at our church called Love and Respect. The series came from the book, Love and Respect by
Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. Me and Jonny just started reading it together and so far we are loving it. The Lord has been working a lot in our marriage lately and its been so cool. God has been opening doors and answering prayers. Lots of changes are coming our way (more on that in the weeks to come) and its so cool to see God working through it all as we trust Him. Thankful for my husbands leadership through everything.
Well thats a glimpse of life as of right now with the Van Hoy's! Hopefully, I won't take so long for the next post!