Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Being a Mom

I don't know who actually reads my blog (I am convinced that only my sister does) but none the less, I will continue writing!  Things About Being a mommy (its a long list- and it could go on forever):

1.  I have learned that I am GREAT at multitasking.  The other day, I was folding laundry, making dinner, and feeding Payton at the same time.  I have found that I can do so much with one hand!  

2.  There is nothing better than my sweet baby girl falling asleep on me.  Definitely took that for granted when she was a newborn because now she only does it on rare occasions.

3.  Spit up has become somewhat of a fashion sense for me.  I seem to wear it almost everyday.

4.  I still HATE the mornings but waking up to Payton talking is the best alarm ever!!  

5.  I am a lot stronger than I ever thought- I can carry a car seat, my purse, a diaper bag, and some groceries all at the same time.  Carrying that car seat has given me some good arm muscles (too bad you can't tell from the outside).  

6.  When Payton accomplishes something (like sitting up by herself for the first time)- its the best thing ever.  Pride wells up inside me!!    

7.  I think washing bottles out is the worse thing EVER.  I would rather change a million diapers.  

8.  God reveals Himself daily through Jonny and my little girl.  They are constant reminders of His love, grace, and faithfulness.

9.  Payton is a talker- she is constantly babbling- sign of what is to come??

10.  I think they should make toys that have a million different songs/sayings.  Because I memorized every single one within 2 minutes.  And can never get them out of my head.

11.  Orajel is a life saver!

12.  Bath time is one of my favorite parts of the day (and hers).

13.  I have learned to really enjoy and take in times when its quiet.  Getting to spend time studying Gods word, or blogging, or reading, or even taking a bath have become much treasured moments!  

 14.  Laundry never seems to end- and I have lost almost everyone of Payton's socks!  They seriously just disappear in the washer or dryer!

15.  Girls clothes are so stinking cute.  I can't go into any store that sells little girls clothes cause I will buy everything!  

16.  A late night for me is 12.... A late night for Jonny is 10:30!!

17.  A fancy date for me and Jonny is going to the movies and we love it!  Recent movie we have seen:  Thor (great movie)!  Thankful for Donna and Scott who watched Pay Pay!

18.  Formula is expensive- how can powder be so much??

19.  I have had to learn to let my house be messy- which is hard.  I am a very organized and clean freak (to probably an extreme extent)- God is breaking me of that!

20.  I have learned to function on very little sleep- its amazing really (especially since I LOVE my sleep).

21.   Even though its not always easy, its WORTH it.  God is stretching me and molding me into who He wants me to be everyday.  I am blessed to get to be a mom!  I am thankful for His mercies for they are new each morning!  

November 11, 2010- Our lives changed forever!  


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