Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Update On Jonny

As most of you know, Jonny shattered his elbow at the beginning of January.  He had Surgery and they put a metal joint/plate/something in his arm.  Well, therapy hasn't been working so well and after 5 months of it, he could only straighten his arm about 40 degrees.  So they decided to go ahead and do another surgery to remove the scar tissue that had built up.  Once they got in there they were going to decide if the radial head was too big and needed to be replaced.  So I woke up and took Payton to my moms and off to the surgery center we went.  We got there at 9:45 and after waiting an hour and half they finally took us back.  They got Jonny prepped and then we waited another hour before they took him back.  The surgery went well.  They didn't have to replace the implant- PTL.  It was a very long day.  By the time we got home it was 4:30.  Jonny is in pain but not like he was the first time- praise!!  He has been sleeping since we got home (except for dinner which Jonny's mom brought us- Thanks Donna).  Not really sure what the recovery will be like but he will be in pain for a few days.  He starts his physical therapy tomorrow too.  The doc said he should immediately be able to straighten his arm- just gotta keep it that way!  Prayerfully we won't have to go through this again.  Thankful for all the prayers, messages, and calls today.  And for all the people who have helped and offered to help us!!  We appreciate it all.  

And let me just tell you, my husband coming off of anesthesia is quite a sight to see.  I should have filmed him because he says some pretty ridiculous things when he is drugged up (hard to believe, right?).  He definitely keeps me laughing (and somewhat embarrassed lol).      

This was before all the drugs.... Just imagine 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

18 Weeks

I am 18 weeks today.  Thankfully, the nausea has seemed to die down quite a bit.  It still comes and goes but it isn't near as bad as it was, YAY!  Now if I can just get rid of these headaches.  Hopefully, on the upside though.  I have started to feel a few (what I think are at least) fetal movements.  The best thing about being pregnant- feeling my sweet baby move around.  It might be a few more weeks until I can really feel the baby move and I can't wait.  Me and Payton have been pretty much staying indoors these days because of the heat- it is ridiculous how hot it is already.  If we are outside we are in the pool for sure :)  I can't wait for the next two weeks to go by so we can see what we are having!  

What's going on with Baby??  At five and a half inches long and five ounces in weight, he now may be large enough for you to feel him twisting, rolling, kicking, and punching his way around the womb. Plus, he's developing yawning and hiccupping skills (you may feel those soon, too!) and his own unique set of toe and fingerprints.

What's Next??  Gender Reveal- July 9th!! 

Baby's Size:  Sweet Potato (5.5 inches and 5oz)
Baby's heartbeat:  170bpm strong and healthy! (last appointment)
Momma's weight:  ????  Haven't weighed myself this week 
Weight Gain:  Hopefully some :) 
Days to go:  22 weeks!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Rangers Game

Last week me and Jonny got to go to the Rangers game with two interns from his work.  It was so nice to go out, have adult conversation, eat hot dogs, and watch the Rangers.  The weather was perfect and our seats were amazing.  It was a 7:05 game and we were in the shade the whole time (on the 1st base line about 15 rows up) with a nice breeze.  Unfortunately, the Rangers lost horribly but it was so much fun.
Jonny got the $26 Boomstick

And consumed it ALL by himself..... GROSS!!

Great seats!

My love.  It was a great evening

Fathers Day

So I have been neglecting my blog a bit.  It has been a very busy couple of weeks.  So lets go back a week.  We had a great weekend celebrating all the wonderful fathers in our lives.  Saturday, we spent the day with my family celebrating my dad, my moms dad, Nathan, and Jonny!  We cooked out and swam the whole day.  Sadly, got no pictures of any of the dads :(  I was swimming most of the day so I hardly got any pictures.

We also celebrated Ryans Birthday!

Sunday we went to church and then spent time with Jonny's dad and grandfather.  We ate a delicious lunch at Olive Garden.  We were there for 2 hours.  Again, I was horrible about taking pictures so I have only a few from that evening :(  We topped off the day with a nice long nap and good dinner with just us 3.  It was a busy but fun weekend celebrating all the great men in our lives.

So here's to you dads!  You are wonderful......

So thankful for this man!  He is the best daddy.  Payton absolutely adores him.  Thankful for his faith in the Lord, hard work, and giving spirit.  We love him dearly!  Can't wait for the next one to get here!!   

I am where I am today because of this man.  My dad is the most generous person I know.  I am so blessed to have him in my life.  Thankful for all he wisdom and advice he continues to give me daily.  He has blessed me indeed.
Also, thankful for my FIL.  I am blessed with such wonderful in-laws.  He keeps me laughing and I am blessed by all they do for us.  

Hope yall had a wonderful weekend celebrating the dads in your life.  We sure did!  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

16 Weeks

I am 16 weeks today.  Got to hear our baby's heartbeat today.  Everything looks and sounds good!  I still haven't been feeling great these days.  There are good and bad days but most of the time I feel pretty blah.  Hopefully I will get over the nausea soon.  I also have been having some headaches which I hope go away soon too.  It is better than it was at the beginning so thats a plus :)

What's going on with Baby??  The bones that are now in place in his ears means he can probably hear your voice as you talk.  While he’s getting used to your voice, the tiny muscles in his body, especially the ones in his back, are gaining strength, so he can straighten out a little more. And thanks to his developing facial muscles, your baby is capable of making a few expressive frowns and squints, even at this early stage.  And his eyes are finally working, making small side-to-side movements and perceiving light.  

What's Next??  Gender Reveal- July 9th!!  Can't wait to see what we are having!  I have no idea but of course Jonny thinks its a boy.  We will see :)

Baby's Size:  Avocado (4-5 inches and 3-5oz)
Baby's heartbeat:  170bpm strong and healthy!
Momma's weight:  128lbs 
Weight Gain:  None 
Days to go:  24 weeks!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Payton. 18 Months.

Payton is 18 months old.  It is crazy how fast she is growing up.  Even crazier that she is going to be a big sister by the end of the year.  So what's new with Payton??  Everything.  She is curious about everything.  Always exploring and testing her boundaries.  She never sits still and has quite an attitude (don't know where she picked that up :).  She definitely keeps me on my feet.  She is hilarious- keeps me laughing daily.  I love being her mom and being able to stay home with her and watch her grow.  She is learning new things everyday.  She is a daddy's girl for sure- she lights up when her daddy is home.  She climbs on anything and everything.  She loves to be outside.  She talks constantly.  She can point out where her toes, belly button, ears, eyes, mouth, and nose are.  She is definitely a girly girl.  She loves changing her outfit a million times a day, putting on play jewelry, and dancing her little heart out.  When we ask her 'where is mommy's baby is?' - she points right to my tummy.  Little does she know this sweet little baby is gonna change her world.  She is so smart and constantly teaching me about life and love.  Words can't express how much I love this little girl.  She brings constant joy to our world.

Weight:  23lbs (last time I weighed was a month ago)
Favorite foods:  Bananas, Peas, Yogurt, waffles, Oatmeal, Pasta, Corn, cucumbers, carrots, pickles, olives, cheese, grapes and apples.
Least Favorite Foods:  Any kind of meats, green beans, tomatoes, tomato sauce, and blueberries.  
Favorite Things:  Swimming, gym class, being outside, climbing, Dora, baths, jewelry and dancing. 
Words She Says:  Dada, mama, ball, bye, bath, back pack, Uncle Bubba, please, night night, bubbles, Nana, moo, wolf wolf, nose, no and hi.
Signs she knows:  More, all done and milk.  
Favorite Toys:  Her shopping cart, ride along car, dora back pack, school bus, play broom and dust pan, Elmo guitar, her books, and minni mouse chair.
Sleeping Patterns:  She sleeps from 8pm-8am and usually takes a 2-4 hour nap in the afternoon!  She is a great sleeper!