Payton is 18 months old. It is crazy how fast she is growing up. Even crazier that she is going to be a big sister by the end of the year. So what's new with Payton?? Everything. She is curious about everything. Always exploring and testing her boundaries. She never sits still and has quite an attitude (don't know where she picked that up :). She definitely keeps me on my feet. She is hilarious- keeps me laughing daily. I love being her mom and being able to stay home with her and watch her grow. She is learning new things everyday. She is a daddy's girl for sure- she lights up when her daddy is home. She climbs on anything and everything. She loves to be outside. She talks constantly. She can point out where her toes, belly button, ears, eyes, mouth, and nose are. She is definitely a girly girl. She loves changing her outfit a million times a day, putting on play jewelry, and dancing her little heart out. When we ask her 'where is mommy's baby is?' - she points right to my tummy. Little does she know this sweet little baby is gonna change her world. She is so smart and constantly teaching me about life and love. Words can't express how much I love this little girl. She brings constant joy to our world.

Weight: 23lbs (last time I weighed was a month ago)
Favorite foods: Bananas, Peas, Yogurt, waffles, Oatmeal, Pasta, Corn, cucumbers, carrots, pickles, olives, cheese, grapes and apples.
Least Favorite Foods: Any kind of meats, green beans, tomatoes, tomato sauce, and blueberries.
Favorite Things: Swimming, gym class, being outside, climbing, Dora, baths, jewelry and dancing.
Words She Says: Dada, mama, ball, bye, bath, back pack, Uncle Bubba, please, night night, bubbles, Nana, moo, wolf wolf, nose, no and hi.
Signs she knows: More, all done and milk.
Favorite Toys: Her shopping cart, ride along car, dora back pack, school bus, play broom and dust pan, Elmo guitar, her books, and minni mouse chair.
Sleeping Patterns: She sleeps from 8pm-8am and usually takes a 2-4 hour nap in the afternoon! She is a great sleeper!
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