So yesterday I had my 20 week appointment. Jonny couldn't be there for the sonogram because of all the work he has missed for his arm surgery and physical therapy. I had the sonogram tech write down the gender and put it in an envelope so we could open it and find out together. "Gender Reveal" parties are all the rage these days. When I was carrying Payton (which was not that long ago) I had never even heard of gender reveal parties. I knew I wanted to do something special but not spend much money or have a huge thing. I decided to fill two black balloons with confetti. If blue confetti came out- its a boy. If pink- its a girl. So I took the envelope to party city and the lady filled the balloons so I didn't find out. We had some family come over and we all found out together. It was lots of fun! After the reveal we went to BJ's to eat. Thankful for our family for sharing in such a special time with us! I don't know if Jonny is ready for all the pink but he is excited. I have a video uploaded to facebook but it's not letting me put it on here. Once I figure it out I will post it.

The Envelope
Since I don't have a mantle. In front of the tv will have to do
Jonny's mom had cake balls made for the Occasion
The big sister... The only pic I could get.. Eating of course
Thankful for the Van Hoys. Love them dearly!
The fam
Thanks Danette and Papa Jim for the gifts :)
Lots of pink!!!!
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