Friday, January 31, 2014

January Update

So I have updated since the new year so I thought I would stop by and give a little love/update on what the month of January looked like.  Its was a very busy but typical month.  Not too many crazy things have happened.  Payton started back at school, jobs have kicked up and kept us busy, and I feel like I am lacking in many many hours of sleep.  We have been eating healthier, running a lot, and having lots of family time.  Its been a great start to 2014.  Here are some pictures of what we have been up to :)

Payton loves Carousels.  Grapevine Mills Mall 

Seeing Frozen (her 2nd movie to see in a theater- first was Monsters University)

The girls :)

Lots of baths

Lots of messy food pictures (cause she's so dang cute)

Payton wearing her "reading" glasses 

Paytons 1st Haircut done by the lovely Rachel Godfry (Brownstone Village in Pantego)

Lots of this sweet girl

Dinner and Bowling with Family

Graduation Parties!! 

A stomach bug hit our house :(

Some beautiful days 

Week 2 of Half Marathon Training= CHECK 

Lots and Lots and Lots of running…..

January Birthdays (Ben and Lydia- even though Payton and Donovan think its theirs)


Saturday, January 4, 2014