Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Fall is Here

Fall is here and cooler weather is on its way :)  Here is our Fall bucket list.  Having fun and making memories is what we plan to do.  I love fall and the holiday season- favorite time of the year.  Leaves turning, cooler days, football, and lots of family times.  My plan is to get all my fall decor out and get my house smelling and feeling like fall.  Gig'em Aggies :)

Labor Day

We had a GREAT labor day.  It was a great way to end the summer!  Me and Jonny ran the Blackland Triathlon with some great friends in the morning (300meter swim, 15 miles bike ride and 5k run).  The weather was great and it was so much fun.  It was wonderful- we both did really well and had a blast with friends.  This was my second Tri and Jonn'ys first.  I really like doing Triahlon's more than straight running.  I finished in 1:34:27 and Jonny finished in 1:34:01... I really really wanted to beat him but he got me by 26 seconds :(  I did fall off my bike at one point so I am gonna go ahead and blame it on that (Don't worry, I didn't get hurt- got back on the bike and kept going).  My split times were:  300 meter swim- 5:54.  15 mile bike- 57:37.  5k Run- 26:36.  I rocked the swim and the run but was horrible on the bike.  I like biking but I am super slow.  Jonny's split times were:  300 meter swim- 7:21.  15 mile bike- 53:09.  And 5k run- 29:39.  We had a lot of fun and are excited to do another one together.  Training and working out together is something we love to do.  He pushes me to be better.  After our Tri, we headed to my parents to celebrate Labor day with the family.  It was a special time because our friend Christina (who recently accepted the Lord) got baptized.  She has such a neat story and we are soo excited for her new life in Christ.  She is from China and went back to her home a few days ago- we miss her already.  It was such a special and neat day.  And a great day spent with family :)  After my parents, we headed to Stephen and Stephs house to hang out for a bit.  Needless to say we were exhausted by the end of the day but our hearts were full.  So blessed with amazing family and friends.  For more race photos you can click here and search for our names!     

Swimming with Cousins, Aunt Maddie and Uncle Nathan

Some Ladder Ball 

Christina, Maddie, Rian, and the girls 

How cute is she??


Ben- telling his story 

I have a video but it won't load... So I don't have a picture of her being dunked but this was right before

Welp... The best we could get

The Triathalon:  

After it was all said and done :)

Sweet friends- So glad to race with them 

Love this man!

Jason did it too! 

And thats all folks.  God bless!