But as you can imagine 16 years in a house- there was a lot to go through, pack up, and move. So for the last month we have been doing just that. Going through things- giving things away, throwing away things and selling stuff. Everyday it seems me and the girls were there- packing and sorting. Jonny is really glad that its over- cause everyday I would bring something home with me to keep haha. Starting Monday is when they moved everything into their rent house (they are going to build). So as of yesterday they are all moved in and mostly unpacked! And I am thankful!
We also had to say goodbye to our sweet German sister, Lydia this month. Lydia came to America in August of last year and lived with my parents as part of a Young Life cultural exchange program. And man did we fall in love with her. She bonded so well with our family and our girls absolutely adore her. She has such a sweet and kind heart and it was so cool to get to know her and watch as the Lord used and grew her. It was sad to say goodbye. We miss her so much already and its only been 10 days. But I am thankful for Facebook and Skype!!! And maybe one day we will come visit her in Germany :)
We all look like this because A. It was 6:30am and B. We were crying
Outside of moving (which totally consumed our lives), Young Life left for their Young Life (Carolina Point) and Wyldlife camps (camp Buckner). So i have been pretty busy with work as they prepared to go. So our June has been PACKED. When we weren't moving or working, we were swimming, playing outside, working out, and trying to make some special memories with our girls. But I am ready for July, where the real summer fun begins :)

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