Well It's already almost July and I just now getting this post up! But honestly it hasn't felt much like summer just yet- with all the moving. So Summer is really just getting started for us! Every summer I like to make a little list of things we want to do in the summer. Payton helps me with some of them and then I add a few for fun! She loves it. This summer I have one theme- simple. I think with all the Pinterest and social media we can get wrapped up in wanting to make things so extraordinary and special that we lose sight of what really matters (its not always true but I know I find myself struggling with that). We get caught up in what other moms do and accomplish that we miss whats going on in our own kids. And this past semester has been crazy. I feel like we are going a million miles and hour just to keep up. So I want this summer to be simple. Because something special happens in the simple. Becuase its good to slow down. Because something as simple as running through the sprinklers or having a popsicle is special to my girls. So I made a short list for us to do... And we may add some as the summer days go on but for now I think these will make for a pretty awesome summer. And most of them we can do at home and with no money :) We are taking a Vacation with my family in August to Branson! We are excited about that. And the girls are excited for a week with their Aunt Maddie while I am in Alaska!
I like to write it I'm my journal so I can record special things and remember! And some we have already accomplished :)
Outside of these fun things, I also would like to start a chore chart for my girls. We do make them clean up their play room, help set the table, and things but we haven't really made any structure out of it so I think this summer would be a perfect time to start! Payton will be 4 in November (sigh) and I think she is more than ready to have regular chores. I have seen lots of good things on Pinterest about good chores for different ages and some great chore charts to help! So I am gonna give it a go. For me, I don't have a lot of things set out for me this summer as far as things I want to accomplish. Summers are slower with work so its a good time to get things done but as I have said above, my theme for this summer is simple. SO I want to enjoy. Enjoy my girls, enjoy my family, enjoy my friends, and enjoy life.