On the 23rd we headed to Red Oak to celebrate with Jonny's side of the family. We got there about 1 and hung out with Jonny's brother, brothers girlfriend, niece, nephews, and dad. The girls absolutely adore and love being at their Papa's house and with their cousins. They always have so much fun. And Megan did a wonderful job of making the house beautiful and fun. And had lots of yummy food too :) We just hung out, ate a lot, and opened presents. Unfortunately, my pictures were all pretty blurry for some reason (I think my setting was all messed up) but here are the ones I took :)
All the presents and beautiful tree... Just like Nana use to decorate it. I miss her everyday but that day was extra hard without her. Can't believe its the 2nd one without her. You are missed Nana!!
Stockings hung by a fire :)
Emmi and Kins
My sweet baby girl
Helping Kins Open Presents
The girls got lots of goodies and loved everyone of them... They got a HUGE barbie doll house and lots of barbies from Papa- and they love it!
Emmi and Payton
Daddy and Kinsley Opening Presents
Papa's Grandkids
Cousins... Kins, Emmi, Payton, Witt, Brody, and Brock
Me and Sweet Emmi
At about 7, the rest of Jonnys family (grandparents, aunt, and cousins came over for round 2)
Megan and Chris
Dana and Danette.... And photobombing Jonny, Brock and Chris
Dana and Pap Jim
Me and Danette
Brody and Emi
Brock... Wearing Uncle Bubba's shirt
Thanks for hosting us Papa :)
Christmas Eve. Jonny had to work during the day so me and the girls just spent the day at home. Then when daddy got home we got in our fancy outfits and headed to the Christmas Eve service at our church, Rush Creek. The service was wonderful and we loved celebrating as a family. Then we headed to my Grandmother's house in Dallas to celebrate with my dad's side of the family. We ate and then did a white elephant/gift card exchange. We always love being with that side. It's always so much fun :)
Cousins- Kins, Rian, and Payton
Opening gifts from Malmal and Aunt Angela
My family
My dad's side of the family
Christmas Even Service
Uncle Bubba and Payton
After my grandmothers we headed home.. The girls opened their new pajamas and we put them to bed. In the morning we ate cinnamon rolls and opened our gifts. We had a nice morning with just us four. Then we headed to my mom and dads house for Christmas with my family and my moms side of the family.
At my mom and dads
Christmas Eve night... Kins was not interested in the love
Opening their pajamas
New Pj's
Christmas Morning
Waiting on the cinnamon rolls
Payton got a new bike from Mimi and Papi
Jonny trying out dads inversion table
Too much fun
Playing games..

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