Thursday, October 20, 2011

A day at the Van Hoys

I love to blog- mostly because its a great way to write out the memories and milestones of our beautiful baby girl.  I use to be so good at journaling but i have slacked the past few years.  Blogging is so easy and I love keeping up with photos on here.... My point to this is- sorry if my post are a bit boring for some readers!  Just jotting down memories that I can look back on :)...........

I love this age (or rather month) that Payton is at!!  She is so fun to watch.  I love watching her figure out how the world around her works.  Today was pretty much a typical day for us (aside from the dr. in the morning).  We woke up at 8 and she had her morning bottle.  After finishing her bottle, we usually hangout on our bed and slowly get started with the morning (if we have no where to go that day or if I didn't get up earlier to get things done).  After a doctors visit and lunch we came home.  And this is what Payton likes to do when we are at home:

1.   She loves to take one object (block or shape) and put it in another (cup,basket, bowl).  She will sit there and repeat it over and over again.  Putting the block in the cup and then taking it out again.  She is even smart enough to match the shapes with the correct shaped hole.  She loves to take toys from her toy basket and put them in her shopping cart and then back again.  Or her stuffed animals in cabinets, close the cabinet, open and take the animal out, and repeat!  Well... her new favorite game is taking her trash can, opening her dresser drawer, and putting her clothes in the can.  The first time she did- I just sat and laughed!  She is creative for sure. 

2.  She LOVES to climb- stairs, pillows, on the couch, practically anything on the floor that is not flat.  Today, I had all our couch pillows on the floor.  She was hilarious climbing all over those pillows- for an hour she was on those pillows!  

She got exhausted and decided to take a break:

 And she's back:

3.  Dance- my little girl LOVES to move.  I had a REALLY REALLy cute video of her dancing and I accidently deleted it off my phone before I backed it up :( I am so mad at myself- anyone know how to recover deleted files off your iphone??  Dancing and singing are always a part of our day :)

4.  We usually play outside or take a walk everyday too!  She loves being outside- and if I ever get her swing put up we will be able to swing without going to the park! 

5.  When her daddy comes home she is all about him.  She loves him so much and wants to love all on him.  She will come over and just sit in his lap and play!  She has to be right next to him- precious!    

6.  Dinner time is a favorite for her as well.  Our girl loves to eat for sure :)

7.  After dinner and daddy time, we have our favorite time of day- bath time!  She loves being in the bath and its always a fight to get her out.   After our bath we try to sit and read some books for atleast 20 minutes but right now its more flipping the pages back and forth for 20 minutes.   

8.  And then its one more bottle and lights out by 8:30!  Tonight she was so exhausted she fell asleep while taking her bottle (which she hasn't done since she was tiny)!

And that's our world right now.  Most days are crazy, loud, messy, and unpredictable.  Laundry seems to never be completely done, I pick up my living room 3 times and day and its still messy, and sleep is a thing of the past for me!  But I love it!!!  Working from home and being a mom is definitely exhausting but it has been so worth it to be with my girl.  Loving life with my family.  Thank-you Lord for my family!  

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