Monday, July 4, 2011

Turning Off The Noise

Happy 4th of July!!  Hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday!  This summer has seemed to be a season of weddings!!  Our good friends, Stephen and Stephanie, got married in Mexico a week ago:

(I uploaded a lot more photos to facebook)
And my sister is getting married on Friday!  Being in both weddings has made this summer extremely busy but just as much fun.  I can't believe on Friday, all the wedding festivities will be over.  I am sad it will all be over but definitely ready for some down time (and to have weekends not so busy).  I have been uploading all my pictures (over like 600 of them) and its been making me think back to my wedding.  Me and Jonathan will have been married 3 years in August.  That is crazy!  Time is flying by.
(August 2, 2008)
I am so blessed to have found such an amazing man.  Jonathan has been a wonderful husband.  He is thoughtful, serving, caring, compassionate, and so good to me.  And he is the BEST daddy.  I couldn't imagine going through life without him.  God has been so good to our family.  I am blessed to have such a godly example and leader.  Not only have we been married for almost three years, we have been together for 7.  It's been a wonderful 7 years and we have had many ups and downs but through it all God has grown us both so much.  Through it all I have seen God's love and faithfulness in our relationship.  Through it all I have learned to trust God more deeply, love people better than I did, and give of myself.  It has been the best 7 years of my life (most days).....

.....Lately God has been teaching me a lot about patience, sitting still, and trusting in His timing.  Being still and really trying to listen/hear from God is always hard for me.  I like to be busy, to have noise in the background, and be active.  I have been really trying to slow down, be still, and just sit in the presence of God.  It has been amazing!  Turning off the noise is challenging for me.  But sitting in the presence of God is precious.  God has been convicting me of "noise" in many areas of my life.  Whether it's being on my iphone when I am talking with Jonny or working on my computer instead of soaking in my time with Payton.  It's so easy to get caught up in technology and the world around me (facebook, twitter, TV, etc.) that its easy to miss the things that really matter.  Like date nights with NO interruptions and Payton's PRECIOUS laugh that makes me smile.  Like Sitting and enjoying my friends and family without picking up my phone and checking fb.  I want to savor every moment with my family.  I want to sit and talk with my husband like we did when we first started dating.  I want to remember and cherish every moment with Payton.  So I am working on turning off the noise and being still.  I know I will struggle and sometimes fail but I pray God will continue to work and convict me of all this.  All this goes a long with trusting in God's timing (and being still long enough to hear God's plans).  Not knowing what the near future holds for us.  Not knowing what my career will look like next year.  Not knowing where Jonny's job will take him.  All of these I think about daily.  And though there are a ton of unknowns, I know that God is in control and His timing is perfect.  And there is hope and something amazing in that.  So I am being patient, waiting on the Lord, and trusting that His plan is take us to great things as a family.  I have been reading a lot in the old testament.  Just finished studying 1 John and so for now I am reading in the OT until I figure out what to study next.  I am really enjoying my readings!  So I will leave you with two verses that are currently speaking to me:

"Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”  Exodus 14:13-14

"Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him."  Psalm 37:5-7      


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